Revolutionized PatentAnalysis with GPT-4 for an IP Firm

Utilizing the powerful GPT-4 model, we transformed the reference search process. Instead of relying on keyword-based searches, we employed the GPT API to generate concepts from claim texts.

Category: Application Development


The client is a service-oriented law firm, headquartered at North Dakota,US.


The manual nature of the client’s current processes led to inefficiencies, time wastage, and potential inaccuracies in patent analysis. Challenges included:

  • Reference Search- The client’s reference search relied heavily on keyword analysis and manual review, resulting in information noise and substantial time consumption. The need for creativity in thinking of all possible keywords further complicated the process.
  • FTO Analysis- To determine whether their products infringed on competitors’ patents or if they had comprehensive coverage with their own intellectual property, the client had to manually sift through patents, create concepts, and map them—a time-consuming and labor-intensive task.


Utilizing the powerful GPT-4 model, we transformed the reference search process. Instead of relying on keyword-based searches, we employed the GPT API to generate concepts from claim texts. This automated mapping of concepts to claims streamlined the analysis, overcoming the limitations of keyword-based searches where concepts might exist semantically without explicit keywords.

Our solution also involved automating the mapping of every claim in the entire patent database using the GPT API. By leveraging the capabilities of the GPT-4 model, we made the process efficient and accurate. This automation facilitated easy analysis based on concepts, eliminating the need for manual concept creation and mapping.


Contata’s innovative use of the GPT-4 model revolutionized the client’s patent analysis processes, providing substantial benefits in terms of cost savings, efficiency, and accuracy. The transition from manual keyword searches to automated concept-based analysis marked a significant leap forward in the client’s intellectual property management strategy.

  • Cost Savings- Significant reduction in valuable attorney time, estimated at $400 – $500 per hour. Reduction in the overall hours required for patent analysis.
  • Efficiency & Accuracy- Drastic reduction in processing time for new patent applications. Improved ability to find relevant references, leading to faster processing times for new applications.
  • Increased Approval Rates- Higher approval rates for new patents, as automated analysis enhances the accuracy and thoroughness of FTO assessments.


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